Cool Stuff

My Story - Silina W

Silina W, one of our experienced caregivers, on her journey to New Zealand & Care on Call.

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All of our staff members have had interesting journeys leading them to Care on Call. Silina W worked with the Police Force in Fiji before travelling to New Zealand and entering the field of caregiving. Today, she shares her story with us:

"My name is Silina Wotta, and I’m from Fiji. I still remember when I set foot here in New Zealand 12 years ago, with my husband and two sons. This was my first time travelling overseas, so everything was very new to me. 

Back in Fiji, I worked for the Police Force for seventeen years before leaving to New Zealand. When we arrived, I couldn’t find a job with similar work to my previous one so I had to look for a new job that would allow me to look after my family. This led to me working as a caregiver, as there were a lot of vacancies for caregiving at the time (and there’s still a national shortage now). 

I went for an interview at the largest retirement village in New Zealand and was offered a job as a caregiver. I knew straight away that this field was suited to me, as I had some experience looking after my parents back in Fiji before they passed on. 

As the years went by, I got more and more experienced in the job. Every day at work was a day of learning. My knowledge grew, and so did my love for the job. I liked looking after people and caring for them like my own family. 

I spent eight years at the retirement village before I decided to change jobs and do something a little different. I found Care on Call, where I could be a caregiver, but I wouldn’t have to stick to the same working environment. Also, the management and staff were so kind and loveable. I chose to take up a job at Care on Call because I’d get to visit new places and meet new people from from all walks of life, taking them to parks, hospitals, the doctors, on shopping trips, and looking after them in their own homes. 

Although the experience of caregiving can be stressful, it has also brought my live new meaning. I’ll never regret being a caregiver."

Thanks, Silina, for sharing your story! Such an interesting journey beginning in Fiji and ending at Care on Call. Ngā mihi nui.