Flexible Supports Manager
06 357 8488
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Samantha was working in a call centre in Brisbane City before transitioning to a role in Data Entry Support with the Care On Call Accounts team. Throughout her time with the company she has worn many hats, serving as a Support Worker, the Client Services Manager for Central, and now the Flexible Supports Manager for the North Island.
In her role, Samantha values that people put their trust in her as she is passionate about making a difference in the lives of others, and working alongside tangata and their whanau to empower inidividuals to live their best lives.
She endeavours to provide Tangata Whaikaha with choice and control, and give her staff a strong support foundation where their voice is heard, and their strengths and individuality celebrated.
In her spare time, she enjoys being with her family and friends, going away for girls trips, and always having a laugh.